Winner of the 24th Edition of the Household Cavalry Pair Competition in Knightsbridge

Kathrine Beane |



Sparks flew this weekend at the 24th edition of the biggest farrier pairs competition in the UK held at the London army barracks.

This competition provides the opportunity for qualified and apprentice farriers from across the globe to compete against the British Army.

After 20 years since his last win at the Household Cavalry Pair competition, Steven Beane (Beanie Tools Ltd) competed alongside Lewis Balfour, Scotland Farrier Team member, for the 3rd year in a row, and through tough competition managed to win the 2025 pair competition with an advance of 0.8 points on the second top team, under the vigilant eye of Jim Balfour Awcf, team Manager of the Scottish Farrier Team.

Lewis took home the individual highest score as Steven took second place to his partner, which not only made them top team but also top individuals.

''Cav. Pairs Champions 2025. It's definitely been worth the wait, well done to my partner and top mate Lewis Balfour.'' - Steven Beane

Latest addition to the S. Beane Farrier's crew, 17 years old Reuben Cross managed to get a third place for the 1st and 2nd year apprentices shoe making competition after only 4 months under Steven's guidance.  

2025 is starting strong for Beanie Tools founder, Steven Beane, and his team.


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